Copyright © BooBoo's Pies. All rights Reserved.
3:00 pM - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:30 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hours of Operation
Booboo's Pies
Get Your Boo-Ba-Licious Swag!
Available at all Farmer's Markets listed above!
Check out our new theme song, "Boo Boo's Sweet Potato Pie Boogie". Be sure that you listen to this somewhere with a little room to may not be able to control your feet!
See below for directions to make sure you reheat your pie and serve it the way Boo Boo would give it to you!
Check Out Our New Look!
Boo Boo's Logo T-Shirt
Boo Boo's Logo Hat
Pie Heating Directions
This pie is pre-cooked, cooled, and frozen! Once thawed it should be served cold, which makes it easy to cut and serve! Eating it cold gives you more time to savor the flavor! We suggest you heat INDIVIDUAL slices. The pie is best thawed overnight in the refrigerator, and that fresh taste will last up to 5 days after being thawed. Have an enjoyable experience!
Boo Boo
We have created a new look for our packaging.
...Especially when it comes to sweet potato pies!
Thanks for your support as our Boo-ba-licious Sweet Potato Pie business grows! I am continuing to mix pie fillings and bake these delicious pies for your enjoyment. I absolutely love baking, and now cooking in the SAE commercial kitchen has increased my motivation to share my passion. Our delicious pies can now be found at Farmers Markets in the San Diego, and Riverside County areas. Check out our WHERE TO BUY page for Farmers Market and Store Location updates. You can also friend or like us on Facebook (Booboospies), or follow us on Instagram (Boobaliciouspies) to stay updated on all the latest news. Stay on the lookout, we are coming to an area near you soon!
Booboo's Pies is committed to excellence, not only do we want you to enjoy this pie. we also would like you to appreciate the process of development. Our company has dreams and visions of having our pies in stores in every major market. We appreciate your feedback on our Boo-ba-licious Sweet Potato Pie and we would welcome your comments on the future look of Booboo's Pie Box. We hope that you agree with us as we pursue the joys of success, and believe that we will succeed in delivering this pie for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for your support and Love.
Booboo knows best!